黄铁凡,男,1987年生,湖南湘潭人,博士。毕业于浙江大学化学工程专业,沙特King Abdullah University of Science and Technology博士后。现为化工系教师,主要研究方向为新型分离膜材料、吸附分离材料、多孔材料、高分子材料的制备及其在环境、化工领域的应用。参与多项国家和省级项目。近年来以第一作者在Nature Communications,Science advances,Advanced Functional Materials等期刊发表SCI论文11篇。
[1]2015年国家重点基础研究计划(2015CB655303 ),面向应用的高性能水处理膜设计与制备,1550 万,2015/01-2019/12,已结题,参与。
[2]2015年中国工程院咨询研究项目,我国室内与典型工业厂区空气污染防控战略问题研究,436 万,已结题,参与。
[1] Ong, C.; Falca, G.; Huang, T.; Liu, J.; Manchanda, P.; Chisca, S.; Nunes, S. P., Green Synthesis of Thin-Film Composite Membranes for Organic Solvent Nanofiltration. Acs Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering 2020,8 (31), 11541-11548.
[2]Huang, T.; Moosa, B. A.; Hoang, P.; Liu, J.; Chisca, S.; Zhang, G.; AlYami, M.; Khashab, N. M.; Nunes, S. P., Molecularly-porous ultrathin membranes for highly selective organic solvent nanofiltration. Nat. Commun. 2020,11 (1).
[3] Chisca, S.; Marchesi, T.; Falca, G.; Musteata, V.-E.; Huang, T.; Abou-Hamad, E.; Nunes, S. P., Organic solvent and thermal resistant polytriazole membranes with enhanced mechanical properties cast from solutions in non-toxic solvents. Journal of Membrane Science 2020,597.
[4] Huang, T.; Sheng, G.; Manchanda, P.; Emwas, A. H.; Lai, Z.; Nunes, S. P.; Peinemann, K.-V., Cyclodextrin polymer networks decorated with subnanometer metal nanoparticles for high-performance low-temperature catalysis. Science advances 2019,5 (11), eaax6976.
[5] Huang, T.; Puspasari, T.; Nunes, S. P.; Peinemann, K. V., Ultrathin 2D‐Layered Cyclodextrin Membranes for High‐Performance Organic Solvent Nanofiltration. Advanced Functional Materials 2019.
[6] Huang, T.; Manchanda, P.; Zhang, L.; Shekhah, O.; Khashab, N. M.; Eddaoudi, M.; Peinemann, K.-V., Cyclodextrin-functionalized asymmetric block copolymer films as high-capacity reservoir for drug delivery. Journal of Membrane Science 2019.
[7] Wang, J.; Huang, T.; Zhang, L.; Yu, Q. J.; Hou, L. a., Dopamine crosslinked graphene oxide membrane for simultaneous removal of organic pollutants and trace heavy metals from aqueous solution. Environmental technology 2018,39 (23), 3055-3065.
[8] Puspasari, T.; Huang, T.; Sutisna, B.; Peinemann, K.-V., Cellulose-polyethyleneimine blend membranes with anomalous nanofiltration performance. Journal of Membrane Science 2018,564, 97-105.
[9] Villalobos, L. F.; Huang, T. F.; Peinemann, K. V., Cyclodextrin Films with Fast Solvent Transport and Shape-Selective Permeability. Advanced Materials 2017,29 (26), 7.
[10] Huang, T.; Niu, Y.; Zhang, F.; Zhang, L.; Chen, S.; Yu, Q. J., Preparation and characterization of cyclodextrin functionalized polydimethylsiloxane films via interfacial self-assembly. Applied Materials Today 2017,9, 176-183.
[11] 黄铁凡; 张林; 陈欢林; 高丛堦, 环糊精单分子或多分子层膜的制备和应用. 化工进展 2015.
[12] Niu, Y.; Huang, T.; Zhou, Z.; Xu, G.; Zhang, L.; Wei, T., Formation of cyclodextrin monolayer through a host-guest interaction with tailor-made phenyltriethoxysilane self-assembled monolayer. Colloids and Surfaces a-Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects 2015,470, 224-229.
[13] Huang, T. F.; Zhang, L.; Chena, H. L.; Gaoab, C. J., A cross-linking graphene oxide-polyethyleneimine hybrid film containing ciprofloxacin: one-step preparation, controlled drug release and antibacterial performance. Journal of Materials Chemistry B 2015,3 (8), 1605-1611.
[14] Huang, T. F.; Zhang, L.; Chen, H. L.; Gao, C. J., Sol-gel fabrication of a non-laminated graphene oxide membrane for oil/water separation. Journal of Materials Chemistry A 2015,3 (38), 19517-19524.
[15] Huang, T. F.; Zhang, M.; Cheng, L. H.; Zhang, L.; Huang, M.; Xu, Q. P.; Chen, H. L., A novel polysulfone-based affinity membrane with high hemocompatibility: preparation and endotoxin elimination performance. Rsc Advances 2013,3 (48), 25982-25988.