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Fig. 1. (A) Schematic illustration of the present on-line electroanalytical system for in vivo analysis; Flow path: syinge-a1-probe- a2-b1-valve-loop-b2-c1-detector-c2; Tubing: a1 and a2 (20 cm long; 75 μm i.d., 150 μm o.d.), b1 and b2 (5 cm long; 75 μm i.d., 365 μm o.d.), c1 and c2 (5 cm long; 50 μm i.d.,365 μm o.d.). (B) The stages of the 8-port valve in the continuous monitoring of cerebral glucose in vivo following global ischemic/reperfusion events; Part A (30 min): injection of one loop aCSF; Part B (60 min): global cerebral ischemia/reperfusion events; Part C (10 min): injection of one loop aCSF. (C) The comparison of updated system and old system.
上述研究成果近期发表在Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry上,该研究工作主要由谷慧博士(第一作者,通讯作者)和2016级制药工程专业2班本科生熊娉(第二作者)共同完成,该工作也得到国家自然科学基金、湖南省自然科学基金项目等的资助。
Hui Gu*, Ping Xiong, Huiling Tang, Shu Chen, Yunfei Long, Guoyue Shi, In vivo monitoring of cerebral glucose with an updated on-line electroanalytical system, Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry (2019) 411:5929–5935. 论文链接为: