
郑柏树,男,1978年生,博士,教授,硕士生导师,现任银河集团9873com副院长。2011年12月毕业于南京大学配位化学国家重点实验室,首届“唐敖庆化学奖学金”获得者。目前主要从事功能多孔金属有机框架材料(MOFs)的设计合成以及能源环境相关气体吸附存储分离、多相催化等性能研究。已主持国家自然科学基金2项,湖南省自然科学基金和企业产学研等科研项目5项。首次成功将酰胺基、草酰胺基等极性桥连基修饰到孔结构稳定的高比表面MOFs材料中,为定向设计合成新型高性能MOFs储气、催化材料提供了新思路。已在《J. Am. Chem. Soc.》、《Chem. Commun.》、《Inorg. Chem.》、《Dalton Trans.》、《Inorg. Chem. Front.》、《ChemCatChem》等国际重要学术刊物上发表SCI论文40余篇,被《Chem. Soc. Rev.》、《Chem. Rev.》《Coord. Chem. Rev.》等期刊引用1000余次。获湖南省自然科学奖、湖南省教学成果奖三等奖各1项(排名第六、第四)。主编高等教育“十二五”规划教材1部。
联系方式:Email: zbaishu@163.com
[1] 国家自然科学基金面上项目,功能性桥连基修饰MOF材料的可控合成、CO2吸附与催化转化性能研究(21973029),66.0万,2020.01-2023.12
[2] 国家自然科学基金青年项目,酰胺功能基修饰多孔配位聚合物的设计、合成与二氧化碳气体吸附性能研究(21201062),23.0万,2013.01-2015.12
[3] 湖南省自然科学基金面上项目,高性能储气脲基MOFs材料的合成与构效关系研究(2018JJ211),5.0万,2018.01-2020.12
[4] 湖南省自然科学基金青年项目,高孔隙率MOFs的定向构筑与H2、CO2气体吸附性能研究(14JJ3113),4.0万,2014.01-2016.12
[5] 企业横向项目,高纯硫酸锰精制技术开发(D11779),65.0万,2017.12-2018.12
[6] 南京大学配位化学国家重点实验室开放课题,(3, 12)-连接MOFs的设计合成与H2、CO2气体吸附性能研究(SKLCC1417),3.0万,2014.01-2015.12
[7] 湖南省普通高等学校教学改革研究项目,制药工程专业人才培养模式改革研究与实践(G21506),2.0万,2016.01-2018.12
[1] B. S. Zheng, J. F. Bai*, J. G. Duan, L. Wojtas and M. J. Zaworotko*, Enhanced CO2 binding affinity of a high-uptake rht-type metal-organic framework decorated with acylamide groups, J. Am. Chem. Soc. , 2011, 133, 748-751.
[2] B. S. Zheng, Z. Yang, J. F. Bai*, Y. Z. Li and S. H. Li*, High and selective CO2 capture by two mesoporous acylamide-functionalized rht-type metal-organic frameworks, Chem. Commun. , 2012, 48, 7025-7027.
[3] B. S Zheng, H. T. Liu, Z. X. Wang*, X. Y. Yu*, P. G. Yi and J. F. Bai*, porous NbO-type metal–organic framework with inserted acylamide groups exhibiting highly selective CO2 capture, CrystEngComm , 2013, 16 , 3517-3520.
[4] Z. X. Wang, B. S. Zheng*, H. T. Liu, X. Lin, X. Y. Yu, P. G. Yi and R. R. Yun*, High-capacity gas storage by a microporous oxalamide-functionalized NbO-type metal-organic framework, Cryst. Growth Des. , 2013, 13 , 5001-5006.
[5] B. S. Zheng*, R. R. Yun, J. F. Bai*, Z. Y. Lu, L. T. Du and Y. Z. Li, Expanded porous MOF-505 analogue exhibiting large hydrogen storage capacity and selective carbon dioxide adsorption, Inorg. Chem. , 2013, 52 , 2823-2829.
[6] Z. X. Wang, B. S. Zheng*, H. T. Liu, P. G. Yi, X. F. Li, X. Y. Yu* and R. R. Yun*, A highly porous 4,4-paddlewheel-connected NbO-type metal-organic framework with a large gas-uptake capacity, Dalton Trans ., 2013, 42 , 11304-11311.
[7] B. S. Zheng*, X. Lin, Z. X. Wang*, R. R. Yun, Y. P. Fan, M. S. Ding, X. L. Hu and P. G. Yi*, Enhanced water stability of a microporous acylamide-functionalized metal-organic framework via interpenetration and methyl decoration, CrystEngComm , 2014, 16, 9586-9589.
[8] L. T. Du, S. L. Yang, L. Xu*, H. H. Min and B. S. Zheng*, Highly selective carbon dioxide uptake by a microporous kgm-pillared metal-organic framework with acylamide groups, CrystEngComm , 2014, 16 , 5520-5523.
[9] R. R. Yun*, R. R. Cui, F. J. Qian, X. Y. Cao, S. L. Luo and B. S. Zheng*, Formation of a metal-organic framework with high gas uptakes based upon amino-decorated polyhedral cages, RSC Adv. , 2015, 5 , 2374-2377.
[10] B. S. Zheng*, H. Wang, Z. X. Wang*, N. Ozaki, C. Hang, X. Luo, L. Huang, W. J. Zeng, M. Yang and J. G. Duan*, A highly porous rht-type acylamide-functionalized metal-organic framework exhibiting large CO2 uptake capabilities, Chem. Commun. , 2016, 52 , 12988-12991.
[11] B. S. Zheng*, L. Huang, X. Y. Cao, S. H. Shen, H. F. Cao, C. Hang, W. J. Zeng and Z. X. Wang*, A highly porous acylamide decorated MOF-505 analogue exhibiting large and selective CO2 gas uptake capability, CrystEngComm , 2018, 20 , 1874-1881.
[12] Z. X. Wang, X. Luo, B. S. Zheng*, L. Huang, C. Hang, Y. C. Jiao, X. Y. Cao, W. J. Zeng and R. R. Yun*, Highly selective carbon dioxide capture and cooperative catalysis of a water-stable acylamide-functionalized metal-organic framework, Eur. J. Inorg. Chem. , 2018, 1309-1314.
[13] B. S. Zheng, X. Luo, Z. X. Wang*, S. W. Zhang, R. R. Yun*, L. Huang, W. J. Zeng and W. L. Liu*, An unprecedented water stable acylamide-functionalized metal-organic framework for highly efficient CH4/CO2 gas storage/separation and acid-base cooperative catalytic activity, Inorg. Chem. Front. , 2018, 5, 2355-2363.
[14] R. R. Yun*, L. R. Hong, W. J. Ma, W. G. Jia, S. J. Liu* and B. S. Zheng*, Fe/Fe2O3@N-dopped porous carbon: a high-performance catalyst for selective hydrogenation of nitro compounds, ChemCatChem , 2019, 2 , 724-728.
[15] R. R. Yun*, L. R. Hong, W. J. Ma, S. N. Wang*, and B. S. Zheng*, Nitrogen-rich porous carbon-stabilized Ni-Co nanoparticles for the hydrogenation of quinolines, ACS Appl. Nano Mater. , 2019, 2 , 6763-6768.
[16] F. X. Zhou, Y. Liu, Z. X. Wang*, T. Lu, Q. Y. Yang*, Y. Liu and B. S. Zheng*, A new type of halogen bond involving multivalent astatine: an ab initio study, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. , 2019, 21 , 15310-15318.
[17] R. R. Yun*, W. J. Ma, L. R. Hong, Y. Hu, F. Zhan, S. Liu and B. S. Zheng* , Ni@PC as a stabilized catalyst toward efficient hydrogenation of quinoline under ambient temperature, Catal. Sci. Technol. , 2019, 9 , 6669-6672.
[18] J. X. Liao, W. J. Zeng, B. S. Zheng*, X. Y. Cao, Z. X. Wang*, G. Y. Wang and Q. Y. Yang*, Highly efficient CO2 capture and conversion of a microporous acylamide functionalized rht-type metal-organic framework, Inorg. Chem. Front. , 2020, 7 , 1939-1948.
[19] R. R. Yun*, Z. W. Ma, Y. Hu, F. Y. Zhan, C. Qiu, B. S. Zheng*, T. Sheng*, Nano-Ni-MOFs: High Active Catalysts on the Cascade Hydrogenation of Quinolines, Catal. Lett. , 2021, 151 , 10.1007/s10562-020-03491-7.
[20] 王莹, 郑柏树*, 王刘盛, 汪冠宇, 曾文江, 汪朝旭, 阳庆元*. 锆基金属-有机骨架材料分离放射性气体Rn的计算筛选研究, 化工学报 , 2020, DOI:10.11949/0438-1157.20201277.
[1] 易平贵,郑柏树主编. 物理化学实验,中国矿业大学出版社,2013年。